Elena Karić većinu vremena provodi u prirodnom okruženju i već godinama je posvećena spiritualnim obredima i ritualima, a to što je bogata ne predstavlja joj ništa.

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Reclaiming the sacredness of Menstrual Blood ??? Menstruation is a sacred, beautiful and empowering aspect of womanhood, of the Essence of the Goddesses that we are. ?????? Our Moon Blood is a potent elixir that holds the resonance of our unique energetic signature and nowadays women are giving their power away to patriarchal ideologies taking drugs to stop their menstrual cycle, using tampons and pads bleached with the cancer causing chemicals and seeing their menses as inconvenient curse.. OUR BLOOD IS SACRED and each month we have the opportunity to make an offering of our moon blood back to the Earth as our ancestors used to. ?????? It is very important in the process of healing the patriarchal wounds and conditioning to bring attention and awareness to the way we release our sacred fluid. ??? Menstrual blood offering is an ancient tradition that nurtures our connection with the Earth Mother and allows us to participate in an exchange of energy with her. Through the last couple of years i have initiated many women around the globe into this sacred ritual. ✨✨✨ There are many different ways of collecting our moon blood. By using Moon Cup instead of pads end tampons we can connect with our wombs our sacred feminine essence, collect our blood for offering and contribute to the healthier environment.

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Ona je prije nekoliko godina odlučila je da se izoluje od gradske vreve i sa suprugom Jugoslavom i decom najčešće boravi u kući koju su sagradili na Kosmaju. Elena tamo uzgaja voće, povrće i domaće životinje, a njeno imanje podsjeća na ranč.

Dizajnerka i njen suprug imaju i hektar voćnjaka, koji je njima veoma važan zato što se trude da se hrane zdravo i jedu isključivo domaću hranu. Pored toga na imanju čuvaju i životinje – krave, koze i kokoške. Elena Karić je svojevremeno sina Simona, kada je imao 12 godina, ispisala iz škole i preusmjerila ga na kućno vaspitanje.

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Following my inner spirit i was led to a piece of land that today is Anahata farm. A modest vision, motherly instinct, love for family and Pachamama our Earth Mama is the source of this creation Wanting to feed my loved ones in the best possible way i started the journey of creating a fully sustainable organic farm.. Loving and respecting the intelligence of Earth Mother we create a better world.. ❤️❤️❤️ Today Anahata farm is capable of sharing this love in a collective consciousness by providing its gifts to @mandalarestoran The importance of organic plant based food is therefore not merely a health issue but as well as social and spiritual one. By eating organic, plant based food we increase our frequency which encourages our spiritual growth.. Providing access to this kind of food to others than raises the collective frequency allowing us togeather to create a better world ??????

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Ona i njen muž Jugoslav Karić ponosni su što su donijeli odluku da njihov sin Simon vrijeme provodi u prirodi i upiše “zelenu školu” , budući da su vidjeli koliko to dobro funkcioniše.

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Yesterday, the day of my “cumplevida”.. ✨✨✨ Surrounded with Apus- spirits of the mountains and my guiding Master and protector Apu Ausangate.. Another Karpay, another initiation into the path of Paco Quero Medicine people.. ??? I am humbled and grateful for the ceremony , for all the work my dear Maestra has done, for all the jucha- stuck and heavy energy that came out, for the lagoon that has cleansed it all and to my body for not failing when i entered into the water around 5 degrees cold.. ❄️❄️❄️ I miss my family – emotions are heightened when the portals of time are opened , especially when you decide that you want to be alone on such an importand portal-day, supported only by your spirit allies .. Thank you my dear brother @pumasillo for holding the space and for your sacred masculine presence ? And the wheel turns..?

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“Tako smo srećni i ponosni što smo dio ove inspirativne zajednice. Prošle godine smo započeli ovu nevjerovatnu avanturu i ušli u najzeleniju školu na Zemlji… Uz visoke akademske standarde, škola se takođe fokusira na održivost i kreativnost u okviru svog nastavnog plana i programa. Nema ocjene do srednje škole: “Mi ne pravimo robote od djece”, kako mi je jednom rekao neverovatni Pak Sal, direktor škole. “Želimo da budu kreativni”.. Želim da sva deca na ovoj nevjerovatnoj planeti imaju mogućnost da rastu i uče u takvom okruženju“, napisala je jednom prilikom Elena na svom profilu na Instagramu.

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Spring equinox, Ostara, Alban Eiler.. Among the ancients this beautiful festival was celebrated between 20th and 22 of March.. Alban Eiler a Welsh- Druidic name for the festival, meaning the light of the world, is a time of balance. This rare balance in nature made this day a powerful time of magic for the ancient Druids. The length of day and night, light and dark are equal . In ‘old’ cultures and farming and earth-based communities acknowledgement and tracking of the seasons is vital to life and well-being. Eggs are a very apt symbol for this season as they represent new life as well as rabbits – symbol of fertility. The oldest egg legends are associated with pagan rituals around spring equinox, and ancient stories of creation. The mystery of egg, with its hidden life yet to emerge was commonly associated with the creation of the universe in ancient thought: ancient Egyptians believed that gods and creatures alike came forth from eggs of creation, and likewise in Hindu mythology Hiranyagarbha, a 'golden womb' or 'golden egg', was the source of the creation. Spring has arrived and birds nest and lay their eggs. This is a time of Balance, sexual awakening and fertility, and planting of spring flowers, seeds and intentions. As Christianity became the dominate religion it is thought that Easter was strategically placed atop of Spring Equinox so as not to upset the village folk who likely worshipped a feminine life-giving Goddess.  For some, this might have been the Germanic Goddess Eostre, or Ostara. Traditionally honored in the spring, her festivals celebrated fertility and rebirth. She was often portrayed with a wild hare and a basket of eggs, strolling across the land, awakening flora and fauna alike. This is the root of Christian word Easter, and also the word estrogen (a key component in fertility). Whether celebrating the resurrection of Christ from the grave, or the earth from deep slumber, Spring brings us a lovely mixture of symbols to celebrate our victory over real, or metaphoric death. May your Spring equinox be a blessed one! ❤️❤️❤️

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“Obrazovanje kod kuće je najbolja odluka koju sam ikad donijela. Umjesto da sjedi satima u školskim klupama, naša učionica je tamo gdje smo mi- u štali, u šumi, kraj vatre sa domorocima. Postoji li šta bolje od mogućnosti da budete divlji i slobodni, da vas odgajaju da budete ono što zaista jeste”, dodala je ona.
