23-GODIŠNJA Emma Rose Doherty iz Velike Britanije prošla je nevjerojatnu fizičku transformaciju te od djevojke koju su u školi zadirkivali zbog izgleda postala fitness trenerica koju danas na Instagramu prati skoro 170 tisuća ljudi.

Emma je kao tinejdžerica nosila broj odjeće 42 te su je u školi zadirkivali i davali joj pogrdne nadimke kao što je “kit”. Zbog svega toga postala je depresivna i anksiozna te izbjegavala društvena okupljanja, a posebno joj je teško padao odlazak na plažu.

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MAKE TODAY DAY 1 OF YOUR TRANSFORMATION? . I was really hesitant about sharing this photo on the left – I don’t even recognise myself and feel really nervous about sharing this? but if it can help/ inspire/ motivate at least 1 other female then it’s worth it❤️ . When I say transformation, I’m not just talking about improving how you look. yes it’s amazing to feel body confident and see your physique transform, but starting a health + fitness journey is SO much more than just looking better in the mirror !! . I started my fitness journey from a very ‘dark’ place, I was genuinely deeply depressed + on a lot of medication. 5 years ago I used to cancel on social events and stay at home eating crappy food feeling sorry for myself. I would attempt to go to the gym and then look in the mirror and cry and not bother. I got called a whale at school. I would constantly self sabotage myself and ended up with extremely disordered eating habits and a restrict-binge mentality. I never ever thought I would be able to find my ‘happy’ place where I enjoyed my lifestyle and could be happy in my body at the same time. I thought you had to kill yourself to look good. and this is where I went SO wrong for such a long time . My no 1 goal with my coaching business and also with this platform is to help girls NOT make the same mistakes I did and finally create a healthy lifestyle where they not only look good but they FEEL good too. No fad diets or stupid calorie restrictions or exercise routines that KILL you. If you don’t enjoy it, you aren’t going to stick to it TRUST ME! & you will end up straight back at square 1 . Make today the day you commit to transforming your lifestyle, health, body and mindset for GOOD. Fuel your body with delicious food, be consistent with your exercise + movement, get yourself a plan and some accountability. I promise you it will be the best decision you’ve ever made❤️?? . if you need my help and if you want to join my @empower_training coaching community : enquire today through the link in my bio @emmafituk_ ?? #empowertraining

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“Htjela sam da se stvari promijene pa bih razmišljala o odlasku u teretanu, a zatim bih se pogledala u ogledalo i zaplakala. Osjećala sam se inferiorno, samo i bezvrijedno”, rekla je za Daily Mail. Kaže da je onda shvatila da se, od svih djevojaka kojima je okružena, samo ona ne zabavlja i da samo ona razmišlja o tome kako izgleda u svakoj situaciji u životu.

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“DIETS DON’T WORK” …… ??‍♀️ actually they do work!! And quite successfully when implemented correctly with a structured exit strategy (ie the diet after the diet) . Most people who say this are referring to the weight watchers/ slimming world/ juice detox / silly 8 week low calorie diet where they pile all the weight back on as soon as the diet has ended . Well of course these diets aren’t going to work⚠️ . 1️⃣ because a lot of the time they leave you so hungry / restricted or too far from what’s sustainable that it makes you want to BINGE on all the food you’ve missed out on at the end of the diet 2️⃣ because all the things you did to help you lose weight initially (calorie deficit & maybe a training plan / step count target/ cardio) you completely disregard at the end of the diet and think you can just stop completely after 8 weeks ? . ❌Think of it like this: if you started being really careful with money and prioritised SAVING over spending for a few months – and then did a 180 in the opposite direction: going back to bad money habits and dipping into those savings not giving a damn, do you think you’d still be in the good financial position with a nice cushty savings account? NO? Same applies for fat loss + body composition . What you do after the diet to maintain these results is JUST as important as the diet itself. This is why I’m all about lifestyle change and taking a long term of your health + fitness journey with all my @empower_training clients ? . I personally started getting into fitness just over 5 years ago and tomorrow I’m going to post up a #transformationtuesday that I have NEVER shown before?? to hopefully prove that you really can make BIG + permanent physique changes. It allllllll comes back to consistency, planning and finding a “diet” *LIFESTYLE* that you enjoy and can adhere to ?? . If you are interested in finding out more about my female only online coaching company and working with me + the amazing community we’ve built to take you to your goals ?? enquire today!!? link in bio @emmafituk_ www.empoweronlinecoaching.com . Wearing @ryderwear EMMAD10 for discount?

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“Vidjela sam kako druge djevojke uživaju i to me natjeralo da se zapitam zašto sam se cijeli život brinula kako izgledam, umjesto da uživam”, kaže. Jedno dana, tijekom školovanja, Emma je odlučila otići u malu teretanu u svom mjestu te počela učiti kako se koriste utezi. To je promijenilo sve.

Danas ima 51 kilogram i nosi veličinu 38, a na svom Instagramu redovito dijeli savjete o zdravom životu i prehrani. Pet dana tjedno radi vježbe snage, jednom tjedno odradi boksački trening i svakodnevno pješači.

No nije sve bilo tako lagano kako se čini.

Emma je tijekom svoje preobrazbe u jednom trenutku razvila ortoreksiju, poremećaj prehrane koji obuhvaća nezdravu opsesiju zdravom i pravilnom prehranom. “Razvila sam ortoreksiju. Nedovoljno sam jela, pretjerano se ograničavala i nisam pravilno održavala svoje tijelo”, kaže. No postala je svjesna svog problema, obrazovala se i radila na sebi te se uspjela othrvati tom problemu.

“Ovo putovanje promijenilo mi je život i karijeru. Osjećam se sretnije, zdravije i imam više energije. Svaki dan se budim uzbuđena vježbajući”, kaže danas.
