Bio je nesretni kancelarijski radnik, a onda mu je jedan odlazak kod frizera preokrenuo život i danas je milioner!

Gvajlim Pag bio je prosječan Britanac, sa prosječnim poslom i prosječnim izgledom. Kako je sam opisao na Instagramu, bio je povučen, nezadovoljan sobom, gojazan, nesretan i nesiguran. A onda mu je frizer predložio jednostavnu stvar – da pusti bradu.

To je i uradio. Sa bradom je krenuo prvi talas zadovoljstva sobom, pa je sredio i ishranu i počeo da vježba. Nije dugo prošlo, a transformacija je bila nevjerovatna i o njoj se prije par godina pisalo u medijima.

Već tada njegov Instagram je eksplodirao, a do danas on je ostvario izuzetno uspešnu karijeru kao model, ali i kao preduzetnik.

Nakon tjelesne transformacije je, kaže, konačno osjetio da može da transformiše i karijeru.

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What is your motivation? When I got home from Aconcagua in February I thought I’d challenge myself to a month of getting in shape, focusing on improving mechanics and power to weight ratio following my expedition. I shot the before photo on Feb 16th, then lockdown hit so I kept going and shot the second in May. I’m still on it now and enjoying the process! The first thing you may notice here is the aesthetic or change in body fat, as, for right or wrong instagram is a visual platform. If I could give one piece of advice, it would be to check your motivations. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved here but want to reiterate that aesthetics, apart from the fact I make a living from modelling, are close to the bottom of my list. Myself and my body have been through countless phases from being a lanky yet chubby teenager, to playing basketball daily, repeated non-impact injury, extreme and prolonged weight gain, more pain, then some weight loss, more pain, finding work arounds, more pain – you get the idea. I’m sure a few can relate to this cycle. When you train solely for aesthetics, or the endorphin rush, you run the risk of entering into bad patterns and your body degrading over time rather than improving. IMO this is one of the main reasons things get more difficult as you get older. This is where social media gets dirty. You see influencers and celebrities telling you what workouts to do and that you need to push yourself [to look like them] with no understanding of bio mechanics beyond their own personal experience. It’s a dangerous game. When you see people posting about fitness or showing their bodies please please please apply critical thinking. Who are they, what is their background and what is their motivation for publishing? N.B Some resources I’ve been exploring (apply the above principles when researching) • ‘Born to walk’ by James Earls via @the_human_mvmnt • ‘Anatomy Trains’ by Thomas Myers via • RMT Rope work (the future of athleticism) from @wayoftherope & @weckmethod • Myofascial release from @functionalpatterns • Heal – @netflix documentary for a more philosophical yet still scientific look at the mind and body

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U intervjuima često ističe da je inicijalna promjena koja je sve zakotrljala bila upravo brada.

Danas, on putuje svijetom, bavi se preduzetništvom, za sebe kaže i da je investitor ali je i dalje i model. Samopouzdanja mu više ne fali, ali kaže da često gleda svoje slike od ranije kako bi se motivisao da bude još bolji.

(Žena Blic)