29-godišnjakinja se osvrnula na to koliko je daleko došla tokom posljednjih šest godina

Simon Anderson, iz Oklanda, Novi Zeland, pokazala je svoju nevjerovatnu transformaciju tijela nakon što je smršala vrtoglavih 92 kilograma.

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Reflecting on the past (nearly 6 years) is always a few surreal feeling. The girl in the left used to struggle to walk up her own driveway, a 20 minute walk ruined her. Fast food was the base of her diet and most 99% of meals where heavily processed. Fast forward to today, I have lost a total of 92kg and train daily. I eat balanced and fresh meals and enjoy watching how strong and fit I become every single day. I have always felt beautiful, I have always been confident the difference now is that I know I am going to live a long and healthy life. My weight never defined me as a person, I was still the same bubbly, outgoing, driven and organised Simone but it definitely limited the life I could live. Gastric sleeve surgery saved my life, I don’t believe I would be alive today without this life changing surgery. It gave me the tools to reinvent my eating and take a good hard look at my exercise habits. It certainly doesn’t do the hard work for you, that is long term changes you have to make but it gives you the fresh slate to feel able to tackle these changes. My surgery was done at Auckland Weight Loss surgery with Richard Babor for those that will ask, and skin removal with @drrepta_plasticsurgery Togs @nzbananahammock

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29-godišnjakinja se osvrnula na to koliko je daleko došla tokom posljednjih šest godina.

– Razmišljanje o posljednjih skoro šest godina uijvek donosi nekoliko nadrealnih osjećanja – objavila je Simon na Instagramu pored uporedne fotografije sebe u 2014. i sada.

Kad je Simon dosegla težinu od 169 kilograma odlučila se na operaciju želuca kako bi joj pomogla u nastojanju da bude zdrava. Operacija uključuje uklanjanje dijela nečijeg stomaka negdje između 60 i 90 odsto, u zavisnosti od težine.

Simon je rekla da joj je operacija dala “alat” da izmijeni ishranu i navike vježbanja. Saznala je da ne može preživeti ako nastavi sa prerađenom hranom i gaziranim pićima, već je potrebno da njeguje svoje tijelo integralnom hranom i puno vode.